Buy and Sell Crypto 24/7
Without Lifting a Finger

How it Works

Setup an Ongoing Order for a Specific Amount Per Day

Setup an order to buy or sell a certain amount per day.

Eg: Sell $10,000 per day, BTC to USDC

TurboTrader Makes Small Orders Throughout the Day

TurboTrader will place many small orders throughout the day adjusted to reach your per day goal.

You Get the Amount You Want With Benefits

Every day you get the amount you want in your destination currency/asset, with the benefits of dollar cost averaging and no price slippage.


There are many benefits to using TurboTrader:

  • Dollar cost averaging when acquiring your asset

  • Prevents price slippage

  • Ensures you hit monthly targets for payroll, expenses, etc.

100% Safe and Secure

TurboTrader is safe and secure.

  • We don't hold custody of your funds at any time.

  • You retain full control of your funds and they never leave your exchange account

  • We can't withdraw your funds even if we wanted to since you will provide us with an API key that does not have the right to withdraw

Ready to Optimize your Time and Money?

This service is currently in beta and we are onboarding people slowly to ensure the product is working perfectly. Once you sign up below, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Other Features

  • Trades can be made between any two tokens, even ones that aren't paired on the exchange. TurboTrader will automatically use an intermediary token like BTC to trade to your destination token. ...